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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Greatest Reveal Ever

(Retro blog from week 7, day 2)
  Hopefully I will be able to figure out how to post the video that goes with this week, but I can't guarantee anything. For someone who helps people fix their computers for a living (and is way too critical of people who don't know what they're doing) I myself can be slow sometimes when it comes to technology.
  Let me set the stage. I trust my wife. I also on most occasions defer to her preferences. So when she tells me something is going to happen on any given night, I just go with it. Friday February 12, 2010. Not even a week after my birthday where Tanisha throws me a huge birthday/Super Bowl party, she tells me we're going to have a family night. Well actually at first she tells me her sister wants to do something special for the men so we're going over her house. Then because she's been sick (yes she was sick, throwing up all week, but did I suspect pregnancy? Technology isn't the only area I'm slow in sometimes) she tells me we're staying home and everyone is coming over. Then a few hours later she sends me a text that my mom is coming to see Staci. I'm still not considering that ANYTHING is going on except exactly what Tanisha is telling me is going on. Call me Alicia Silverstone because I'm Clueless. (Wow did I just date myself?) When I get home she has me order pizza for everyone. Who's coming? Sister and family, brother and family, dad, mother-in-law, mother and MY mother (that's 3 mothers if you're counting). And STILL no suspicion arises. Finally everyone gets there and Tanisha's sister Shanda tells me we're going to play Taboo. I don't want to play Taboo, but I put on probably one of the fakest smiles to ever cross my face and say 'ok'.
  Shanda takes out a bag and announces we're going to play by some slightly different rules. She will give hints, but we also have physical clues if we can't guess. Sure whatever, just get it over with. So we're ready to play, who's first? Surprise me and Tanisha. Staci joins in because like her old man, she's super competitive and wants to play. Shanda starts giving clues and we start guessing. "Man! Me! Joshua!" "Own, got, get, hold! Have!" "Joshua has!" Then she asks if we want a clue. I didn't but I was sensing that's what we were supposed to do so I said sure. Being the kind father I was going to let Staci open it, but apparently I was supposed to open it. So I open it and see a pregnancy test. Oooh, ooh I know this one! "Joshua has a baby!" Alright this was fun after all, I'm ready for the next one. But wait, what's that look on Shanda's face? It's as if she's saying, "Get it? Do you get it?" Now if you watch the video you'll think I stop immediately and realize what I just said, but you can't see Shanda because she's off screen. Without her I would have just asked who's keeping score? But she got the wheels turning and slowly, ever so slowly I felt something sinking into my brain. Open mouthed I look at my wife. My eyes are saying, "really" but my mouth is just wide open. I'm waiting for her confirmation to KNOW that it's real. That this isn't really the game they said it was. I see tears,and that's all the communication I need. I was so overwhelmed I let out the most joyful noise I could think of. Watching the video replay you may think it sounds like a woman screaming, but it was recorded on a cell phone so the audio isn't really reliable and I wouldn't trust that. Whatever it sounded like, what it was, it was pure joy.
  And disbelief. I couldn't believe it. You need to understand not only were we not trying to have a baby at this time, we thought Tanisha couldn't get pregnant. This was, without a doubt, the biggest and best shock of my life. I still grin when I think about it. I made a baby. First coherent thought that I remember going through my brain: "I did it! I'm a man! I made a baby!"

1 comment:

  1. This was emotional to read. I knew you absolutely did not want to play Taboo baby but you played it off so well. I knew it was only because you wanted to please me LOL! Your awesome baby...
