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Monday, May 24, 2010

Panic attack

(Week 21, day 6)
  I was just laying (or maybe sitting) down and relaxing. My mind often wanders when I do that. But on this particular day my mind decided to take a turn I wasn't ready for. I don't know if you've ever been thinking about something, and it turns from a thought into more of a vision. I had a vision. It flashed before me with picture-like clarity. I saw Tanisha going into labor. I saw us going to the hospital, and I saw my wife in the delivery room getting ready to push out a child. Then I stopped seeing. It changed to feeling. I felt this tightness in my chest, this squirming in my gut and this spinning in my head. Then it dawned on me, I was having a panic attack. Up to this point I was not worried at all. I had no problem with the thought of Tanisha giving birth. I was comfortable with the idea of being in the delivery room watching my son being born. But now? I'm not so sure. I've never been a panicky kind of guy, but that vision shook me. I'm having flashbacks now while I'm typing, as a matter of fact. Will I be ready? Will I be able to steer my wife through the labor? I'm going to have to be the one who thinks logically and rationally. Can I do that? I used to be sure, now...not so much. I swear if it's not one thing it's the next. I believe down in my heart that I'll be ok, but it seems like there's going to be doubt until the moment of truth. Then we'll see. Or maybe if I faint I won't see anything.
  Ok really quickly I'll tell this story. I'm sure most of you have been waiting with bated breath for another story of me doing something to invoke the wrath of Tanisha. She's been laying low (on purpose) since "watergate". So this isn't anything big, but worth mentioning. I was driving to work the other day when I got a text. It was not a happy text either. It had attitude. I know, you're saying "You can't tell emotion from a text." Well maybe that's true in most cases, but somehow my wife put a whole lot of it in this text. It must be something that comes with her EPP. Apparently I had left the toilet seat down (not just the one you sit on but the cover also). Twice. What's the big deal, you wonder? Well I'll tell you. When a pregnant woman sits down, the intention is almost always to stay there for at least a little while. She has a purpose, because once she's down it's very difficult to get back up. Add with that the pressure of a now approximately 10-ounce human doing his best "So You Think You Can Dance" impression on her bladder, and using the restroom takes on a whole new meaning. So for me to cause her to have to sit down, get RIGHT back up, then sit again made her, how shall I say this? Pissed. That's how. Very very pissed. I have recently found out there are people reading this who are actually being helped out by my writing (yo Steve!) so I gladly share my stories in hopes that others will not suffer the same self-inflicted mistakes I have. All in a day's work for the Father of the Year.