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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy feet

(Week 22, Day 6)
  I FELT HIM KICK!!! Yes, I cried. I cried when I felt him kick. It was a very very big moment for me and it reminded me that with all that's going on out here, he's not aware of any of it and is doing great. Aiden's not touched by this, he's just growing and developing like he's supposed to. Here's how it happened. Tanisha felt him kick and called me to the bed. He stopped, but she put my hand on her belly. I started talking to him. "Hey son it's daddy. Come on and give me a kick." Nothing. "Come on Aiden, kick for daddy. Show me those happy..." and there it was! Just like a little punch on my palm. I don't even know how to describe the feeling. Warm, elation, relief, joy. Pick any or all of those words and I think it'll work. I love it. I can't imagine getting tired of it. Well, not until I get to hold him. I picture it sometimes and it makes me smile. I can imagine him in my arms. I can feel him. I see him kicking and swinging his arms. I hear him gurgling, giggling, cooing, crying. I see it so clear. I'm looking forward to it, but I can wait. I said before I was in no hurry for him to come, now more than ever.
 It's amazing not only how different I view this pregnancy now, but how differently I'm looking at life in general. Sometimes I try to think about life in a different way, but I've found that often it takes a huge event like this for us to really put things in a different perspective. What you think are priorities one day can be completely different the next day. I just canceled my TV and internet to cut down on bills. Last week I would have told you that was a necessity in my life. Now I could care less what comes on HGTV. I obviously still need the internet for the blog, but I have it at the hospital, and I could always go somewhere like the library or something to log on if I had to. I'll be completely honest, I'm not sure where I'm going with this. It's just that my days consist of a lot less than they used to, which leaves a lot more time for thinkin'.
  My daughter has kept it together better than anyone. The other day Tanisha's sister was explaining to Staci about what's going on with Aiden. She told her he needed to develop lungs before he came out. Staci didn't seem too worried about it. She said, "So, if he doesn't have lungs, he can't breath right?" Shanda said, "Yes." Then Staci countered with, "Well I'm not worried about it, because all God has to do is say 'Lungs' and Aiden will have lungs. I mean, that's what God does, right? He just says things and they can happen."
  One last thing, I'm still doing weird stuff. For the life of me I could not remember the last 4 digits of my social to verify an account of mine. Not the first 8, just the last 4. Then when I was at a store purchasing something the lady told me to type in my Debit Card pin and instead of putting it in the machine I told it to her. Out loud.


  1. Awww thats awesome guys I wil be out there the latter of the week love you guys and can't wait to see you

  2. Wow! what Staci said was profound and pure.....that little girl is amazing. Both her and her lil bro Aiden:) Glad to hear his kick made u feel that great:) God is good! ~Nissi
    I love this blog turn it into a book and also pls keeep the the other one with the prayers up....oh yeah add it to the book somewhere. Either in the front, back middle through out you'll figure it out! lol
