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Tuesday, June 8, 2010


(Week 23, Day 6)
  Today Tanisha was experiencing a lot of pain in her abdomen. The doctor thought it would be a good time to do an ultrasound (it was originally supposed to be 2 days later) and see what was going on. When they started looking in there, the first thing they noticed was that Aiden's head was down. This is huge news because it means he is not breach and if he comes any time soon she wont need a C-section. Then they looked at him to see how everything was doing and checked to see if there was enough amniotic fluid. There was. Then they looked at her cervix. Not only was in no longer fully dilated, but it went down to 3 centimeters! When we first came in she was 5.  Lastly, they were able to see how big he was. At 23 weeks and 6 days, my son is 1 pound 12 ounces. Our doctor told us in order for them to have a reasonable chance at doing anything if he were born right now Aiden would have to be in the 90th percentile for babies his age. If you remember a few weeks ago he was in the 76th percentile. Then the last ultrasound he was in the 85th percentile. Now at 1 pound 12 ounces he's in the 96th percentile! If you think about it, that means my son is one of the biggest babies EVER! For his age. And he's been growing at an amazingly consistent accelerated pace. We are very excited to say the least. We have been praying so much, we are so glad that even if he comes earlier than we want, he's got as good of a chance of survival as he can possibly have. Thank God for that.
  The day didn't start off this good, though. This morning as I said my wife was having pains. While we were waiting for the nurse I got into the bed with her so I could hold and comfort her as best I could. I mentioned the Trendelenburg position last post, but I didn't write about it (I told you my mind is going). A long time ago some doctor named, you guessed it, Trendelenburg figured that if you make the bed so it can tilt back with your head down and feet up it can help take pressure off the abdomen. This can be helpful for abdominal surgeries and, of course, babies trying to cheat by coming early into the world. So when she gets the pains in her stomach we put her in the Trendelenburg. This morning when I got into the bed with her, she was in that position. I had been wanting to see what it was like so this was a perfect opportunity for a little research. At first it was not a problem. Then after a few short moments, my head started swimming. So I tried to combat this effect by raising my head up. Yeah that worked for about one minute until my neck started getting sore. I put my head back down and tried to relax. I mean, she'd been in and out of this position since she got here, how hard could it be? I was soon to find out. Pretty soon my neck started hurting. It felt like my body was coming down on top of me and the pressure was in my neck. Not to worry, that didn't last long. No, my back was soon very willing to share that burden. The next thing I knew my head, neck and back were hurting and it felt like I had shrunk 6 inches as my body collapsed onto itself. I have a new found respect for my wife. I've been telling her how great she's been doing holding it together for the sake of our son. That was the understatement of the year. All I know is, as my son grows if he ever decides he wants to give his mother a hard time, he's going to get an EARFUL from me about what she went through to bring him in this world.
 As I spend almost my entire life in its current incarnation in a hospital with my wife, I have found that we have some really and truly wonderful friends and family members. It's times like these when you know who really loves you and I can say for sure our family really loves us. I cannot imagine going through this without the many many people who have been here to spend time with us, support us, talk to us, pray for us and, most importantly cook for us. We have the best support system in the world, there's no question. Even the nurses comment on it. Thank you to all my family and friends who have gone out of their way for us. We love you all.
  Ok I have more to say but I ALWAYS get complaints when my blogs are "too long" so in the interest of my readership, I'll sign off for now. This is the Father of the Year saying, this is the Father of the Year saying "Good night."

1 comment:

  1. :) this blog makes me smile. Josh ur a bug out...ur research was too "kool" glad u did it. And as far as Aiden giving his mother a hard time...boy oh boy he will be in for it, I know:) Love u guys! God is truly good and u do have a great support system...."relationships are everthing" ~Nissi
