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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Slappin' da bass

(Week 22, day 5)
  I'm losing my mind. It's not bad. I can still function and interact with people and life. Wow I don't even think that sentence made complete sense. You see what I mean? Let me be a little more specific. I'm not sleeping as much as I'm used to. And I've got some stress as you can imagine. So usually I can cope with all of that just fine, but it manifests itself every now and then in strange ways. For example, I went to get some food today. I was waiting for them to complete my order so my mind started to wander. I'm thinking about Tanisha and Aiden and all the people who have been visiting and calling. I wasn't really dwelling on anything, this stuff was just passing through my head so I wasn't really focused. I've talked to so many people, I'm almost programed to thank them for calling and whatnot, so when the lady gave me the food I thanked her for her support and her prayer. I almost told her I loved her! What in the world?!?! I've said that to the last 50 people I've talked to and it's almost like habit now. So yeah that was strange, not to mention awkward. I snapped out of it quickly, but that's the kind of strange tangent my mind is now capable of going. I usually have a lot of control, so as I said before I'm losing it. I need some sleep.
  On the bright side the hotel we're staying in is really nice. I mean hospital. I've made a decision not to edit this blog so you can see how my brain is working (or not) right now. The HOSPITAL is wonderful. Everybody who comes to visit, before they even say hi to Tanisha they say, "Wow this hospital is beautiful!" or something similar. It's like a resort, really. They have valet parking for goodness sake. Free valet parking. There's a place in the back of the room where they section it off. There's another TV there, a DVD player, microwave and fridge. It's a man cave. Well right now ours is a mom cave because Tanisha's mom is staying here too. But the point is it's really nice. We're so glad we're here. I keep talking about how nice the nurses are but I can't say it enough. We've had 13 different nurses and 6 doctors come in since we've been here and every single one of them has been nice. There's ALWAYS a jerky nurse every time I've been to a hospital. Always. Not here.
  Another story about my brain. With apologies to my wife, I'm sure you all understand that being on bed rest means she can't get out of the bed. The doctors have allowed her to get up for #2, but for #1 she uses a bed pan. She has to keep her bladder as empty as possible because if it's full it puts pressure on her uterus and we can't have that. BUT she also has to hydrate, so as you can imagine she has to go a lot. Well me and her mom usually help her with that, so I'm seeing her use the bedpan literally 20 or so times a day. SO when it's time for me to go, I kind of pace around for a minute. I mean, I know I'm supposed to go to the bathroom, but something doesn't feel right about getting up and going. Then I realize I'm not on bed rest and I don't need or want a bed pan. Hmmm, maybe I'm not losing my mind. Maybe it's gone already. Someone call me and let me know if I actually wrote and posted this blog please.

1 comment:

  1. ok, more prayer for u 2, i'll do bro ~Nissi
